Adam "Ben" Rohrlach

Mathematician, Statistician and Ancient DNA Researcher

Science Outreach

Conversation Article

The secrets of Maya child sacrifice at Chichén Itzá uncovered using ancient DNA

‘Supernatural beings’: the Hero Twins, depicted by Mexican muralist Diego Rivera in 1957. Public domain
Published: June 13, 2024

Conversation Article:

Ancient DNA reveals children with Down syndrome in past societies. What can their burials tell us about their lives?

The inhumation of the perinatal infant with Down syndrome from the Iron Age site of Las Eretas. This individual was buried within one of the houses in the settlement. Photographs from the Government of Navarre and J.L. Larrion., CC BY-NC
Published: February 21, 2024

Conversation Article:

In a Stone Age cemetery, DNA reveals a treasured ‘founding father’ and a legacy of prosperity for his sons.

The reburied remains of the ‘founding father’. Photograph by S. Rottier.
Published: July 27, 2023

Conversation Article:

Ancient DNA reveals the earliest evidence of the last massive human migration to Western Europe.

The area around Odesa was a ‘melting pot’ of cultures and ancestries. Modified from Penske et al. (2023).
Published: July 20, 2023

Conversation Article:

We thought the first hunter-gatherers in Europe went missing during the last ice age. Now, ancient DNA analysis says otherwise.

Archaeological cave site of Cueva del Malalmuerzo from the southern tip of Spain where the 23,000 year old Solutrean individual was discovered. Pedro Cantalejo.
Published: March 2, 2023

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